martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Written Task 1

Father, I really don't know what to expect'

Dear Father: 

                I think that this is the correct moment to send you a letter. I have been waiting more than 2 month to communicate with you, and now the opportunity it’s presented.  Things have change before you left us to go and work in a labour camp. The Nazi Regime is more powerful nowadays and the discrimination to our race has reached a high level. Also I was assigned to a permanent work-place, in Csepel at a company called the ‘Shell Petroleum Refinery Works’ and I must go and work every day.

                Today I was going to work as normal as every day in the bus, but in my way, a policeman stopped the bus and make all the Jewish people get off the bus. Now I’m stop in the middle of a highway, waiting to the order to continue our journey to the work-place. Through time passes more busses have came, and as my bus, the policeman have stop them and make the Jewish passengers to get out of them. I have been here all the morning and I have talked to a man, that will help me to deliver you this letter. He is against the Nazi Regime but he have access to classified information about all that is related to labour camps, the Regime, etc. Also I have talked with many of my friends like ‘Leatherware’, ‘Smoker’ and ‘Fancyman’, and they agree that the situation here is very complicated, because they affirm that the situation here is not very favorable for us. They said that the policeman has stopped us, to join Jews and later take us to another place.

                The labour camp is my next destiny, I think. Hitler, Father, that man isn’t satisfied with sending you and the Jewish fathers to the labour camps, now he want to send all the Jewish people of all ages. That man it’s completely mad! I knew it, when the 1st of September of 1939 Hitler invaded Poland that our race will suffer by the hand of that evil man, because of the ideology that he manifested in his book ‘Mein Kampf’. His idea of trying to ‘create’ a perfect race called the Aryan have blind the reality of this world, full of diversity of races. By the war continues, the Nazi Regime increased its power as same as Germany advanced to different parts in Europe. That isn’t good for us, because it seems that nothing can stop the Germans advance, and the ideology (anti-Semitism) will continue expanding. What came next before Germany won the war? Germany will invade Africa to purify the world?

                Are we too different from other races? I don’t think so, because when I look myself in a mirror, I look like a normal young boy, the only thing that I have different is that I’m Jew and I have to wear this Yellow Star that make me different to others. But, it’s too bad to be a Jewish? I don´t know or I don’t find something bad in being a Jewish , considering that I’m a human as anyone in this world, but my culture obviously is different from others.
                In this moment I’m very confuse. I don’t know what to think now. I already heard 2 policemen talking about Auschwitz, and it seems that Auschwitz will be my next destiny. People here talk bad things about labour camps, but no one here have been in one, so they are supposing things. It’s obviously that a labour camp isn’t the best place in the world, but what can I make, it’s my destiny. Don’t worry about me; I have received some recommendations from the man that I told you at the beginning of the letter, about how to survive in the labour camps, in things like to lie about my age and things like that.  I will never lose my hope of see you again. I know that in this context it’s impossible to have hope, but my need of see my mother, Annamarie (long story, not for this time) and to see you, it’s stronger than the adversity that I’m living in this moment. It’s important to survive from these moments, and the person who will give you the letter, would help you as must as we can. I trust that he will find you.

                            Remember, Father, that our race have fight from our first years of existence, and we will continue fighting every time that we need, to continue the existence of our race. Now, I have to leave because they are calling us. It’s the time to know what it’s going to be my destiny. However, I promise that I would see you again, when all this bad time came to the end, and our race can live in a normal way, without someone that doesn’t allow us to live as humans. Believe in the Allies who are fighting to liberate Europe from Germany. Believe that your faith will maintain you alive. Believe in yourself Father. We must wait and survive.

Your son.

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