martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Narrative techniques

Many writters have their own way of how they write a novel, because they have different narattive techniques. Now I will make a short review of some of them.

1. Point of view:  it refers to 'Who tells the story?'
  • Narrator
  • Reader
  • Someone looking outside.
2. Narration: it refers to 'Who is the narrator speaking to?'
  • Direct
  • Frame
  • Indirect
3. Speech: it refers to 'How do the narrator and the characters of a story speaks?'
  • Direct
  • Reported 
  • Free indirect
4. Tense: it refers to 'When did the events of a story happens?'
  • Past
  • Present
  • Future
For other side also we have the Flashback, that is mainly use in dreams or in retelling of memories. Also the foreshadowing, third person omniscent (God) and dual narrative.

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