martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Literary terms.

Now I will give a review of the literary terms. Enjoy!

1. allegory: story or poem in which the characters, setting, and events stand for other people or events or for abstract ideas or qualities.

2. alliteration: repetition of the same sound, using some words that start similar to the first one.

3. allusion: a brief reference to a person,place, thing, event, or idea in history or literature

4. climax: The point in the plot that creates the greatest intensity, suspense, or interest.

5. connotation: Associations and implications that go beyond the written word

6. denotation: dictionary definition of a word

7. flashback: scene that interrupts the normal chronological flow of events in a story to depict something that happened at an earlier time

8. foreshadowing: use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in the story, often used to build suspense or tension in a story

9. gothic: use of primitive, medieval, or mysterious elements in literature. Dark.

10. hero: a character whose actions are inspiring or noble.

11. hyperbole: boldy exaggerated statement that adds emphasis without intending to be literally true.

12. lyric poem: a melodic poem which describe an object or emotion.

13. metaphor: a lterary device in which a direct comparison is made between two things essentially unlike.

14. narrative poem: a narrative poem tells a story in verse.

15. onomatopoeia: use of words that imitate sounds.

16. personification: human attributes are given to a non-human such as an animal, object, or concept

17. plot: sequence of events in a story, usually involves characters and a conflict

18. point of view: the perspective or vantage point from which a story or poem is told.

19. setting: the time and place of the story or poem’s action, it helps to create the mood of the story

20. simile: a literary device in which a direct comparison is made between two things essentially unlike usiing the words “like” or “as.”

21. soliloquy: A long speech made by a character who is onstage alone and who reveals his/her private thoughts and feelings to the audience.

22. stanza: a group of lines in a poem that are considered to be a unit. They function like paragraphs do in prose writing.

23. symbol: something that means more than what it is; an object, person, situation, or action that in addition to its literal meaning suggests other meanings as well.

24. theme: an insight about human life that is revealed in a literary work

25. thesis: the organizing thought of an entire essay or piece of writing and which contains a subject and an opinion

26. tone: the writer’s attitude toward the story, poem, characters, or audience.

27. understatement/litote: literary device that says less than intended. Oppositive of hyperbole. Usually has an ironic effect, and sometimes may be used for comic purposes.

28. Mood: Is the atmosphere created by the author words. It's what we get (feelings that we recive).

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