martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Fatelessness Context

This period we started reading a new book: 'Fatelessness' from Imre Kertesz. This book is about a jewish boy that was affected, as many of the jews that lived in Europe, by the Holocaust. First of all, its important to make reference of the context in which the story take place.  

The story take place in the 1940's, when the Second World War have already started. the specific place is Budapest, the capital city of Hungary. As many countries in Europe, Hungary was affected by the ideology that provoked that the war started: Nazism. The Nazi Regime, directed by Adolf Hitler held the idea, sustained by their lider, of create a perfect race called Aryan. For that reason the jew people of all Europe were literally hunted and send to labour camps or they simply kill them. In simple words the world in those times was attemp by a man that things that only 1 race deserves to live.

In the book, the author narrates his own life experience about this episode, but he change the name of the protagonist, calling him Georg Koves, maybe to make it more interesting or to create something in the readers head like: 'this can have really happened'.

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