martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


I chose to write a letter from Georg Koves to his father, with the context of the chapter 3. I did this to express what might Georg will think about the Regime that was punishing his race and tell about the situation in which the protagonist was, during the chapter 3, and because a 'secret letter' seems to be the only way to communicate with his father, I 'create' this moment in the story and also a character (no named, but is the one who will deliver the letter) because I think that in the chapter 3, the story leave many things unconclused during the time that they stopped and when they were  taken to their new destiny, so I decide to 'join some things'.

The audience of the letter is a small audience of people that maybe are studing the book or are intersted in the context in which the story takes place (1940's).

The language that I used is informal, but always in a respectful way, because its a letter of a son to a father, and also because of the themes that Georg mention in this letter related to the context of the story, such as Nazism, discrimination to his race, etc (serious themes). Mainly I took this themes and I create kinda confusion in Georg teenager's head about what really makes him different to other humans, and if the cultural reason its a justification for being discriminated by others.

About the title I decide 'Father, I really don't know what to expect' in honor to the confusion in Georg head, who knows that his destiny its a very cruel place, in which he will have to survive, knowing that the conditions will not be the most desired, but he keeps the faith.

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