lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Chapter 3 quotes

I continue working in 'Fatelessness'. Now I read the chapter 3, and I will post some quotes about it to and explain them. Enjoy.

1. 'The next day I had a slightly odd experience (...) When the bus braked very suddenly, and then I heard from outside snatches of a voice issuing orders' (p.40). In this quote its explain us the first part of the chapter, in which he is starting a normal day, but something rare happened.

2. The atmosphere of this chapter is kinda misterious because how the things occurred. More busses of jewish people were comming and being stopped. 'The policeman then stopped all subsequent buses runing from the city'(p.41). As I said, not only Georg bus get stopped by the policeman.

3. Finally, the misterious atmosphere finish in that all the people that the policeman join there were going to a specific place. 'Columns drawn up in ranks of three abreast (...)' (p.54), 'They led us on into a maze of gray biuldings, ever farther inward, before we suddenly debouched onto a huge open space strewn with white gravel.' (p.56). Sadly Georg Koves was sent to a Concentration Camp with all the jewish that the police officers join together.

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