domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Fatelessness Chapter 1 Activity.

Now I will post some questions that we worked in classes about 'Fatelessness'.

1. What characters are introduced in this chapter?
Georg Koves (main character), his parents that are divorced, his stepmother, the baker, the baker's wife, Annamarie, Mr. Süto who is in charge of some things of the family, many uncles which I think that the most important is Uncle Lajos.

2. Choose two characters and select a quote to describe them physically or psychologically.
  • Uncle Fleischmann: 'a diminutive man of immaculate appeareance, with white hair, ashen skin, owlish spectacles, and a perpetual slightly worried air on his face'(p.23) Here it describe the physical aspects of one of his uncles and also it say that in that moment he was kinda worried for something.
  • Annemarie: 'is fourteen years old, or thereabouts. She has a long neck and is already starting to round out under her yellow star'(p.13). It describes not only physically, because we can deduce that she might be passing for hards times of reflexion about life, because of her age and the situation that she is leaving (Holocaust).

3. What is the narrative technique? Provide evidence
  • Point of view: The narrator is the Protagonist, as in the first part of the book said: "Ididn't go to school today".
  • Narration: indirect narration, because he is telling us the story but his words aren't specificly to us. 'We were already on the upper floor when it occurred to my stepmother that she had forgotten to redeem the bread coupon. I had to go back to the baker's.' (P.12) As I said, he is telling the story but not directly to the reader.
  • Speech: I think that is a convination between direct speech and reported. Direct because in some cases the things that the characters said appears directly. Reported because the narrator sometimes summiraze the information that happens.
  • Tense: the tense is in past (things that already happened) 'I didn't went to School' (p.3)
4. Describe the setting of this chapter
Budapest, capital city of Hungary, when the Second World War already started and also the Holocaust take place.

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