lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Chapter 2 Fatelessness Analysis

Title of selection: Fatelessness, Chapter 2
Author: Imre Kertész
Genre: Autobiographical Novel
Setting: Budapest, the capital city of Hungary in 1940s. 
Historical context: During the Second World War, when the jews were sent to Concentration camps.

The author wrote this piece to: (author’s purpose): 
To tell us the situation in which Georg was, before his father left him. Specificly in a pshycological way.

The main idea of this piece is: 
All the emotions that Georg feel during the chapter, such us love to a kinda girlfriend that he have, confusion about the situation of his mother/stepmother, etc.
The message (or theme) of this selection which the author would like us to “take away” is: 
I think that the theme of the chapter is the 'diversity of opinions' that people might have. Other example is when Goerg have a kinda of discussion with Annamarie's sister, in which both have differents points of view.

Protagonist: Georg Koves
Antagonist: Annamarie's sisters, because of the fight that she had with Georg, things with Annamarie wasn't the same. And in a symbolic way the Nazi Regime.
Static characters: Mr. Süto.
Dynamic characters: Annamarie, she changes her actitude in a radical way.

Did the author use any special literary devices in this selection such as: personification, metaphor, simile, foreshadowing, suspense, flashback, imagery, irony, humor, poetic sound devices such as rhyme, etc.
In this Chapter we can find a Flashback, that means that the narrator makes a fast turn about something that happened in the past. 'The incident occurred the day before yesterday, during the aler on Friday night, down in the air-raid...' In this quote the narrator clearly go to the past to remember something, in this case, the moment when he kissed Annamarie.

What was the author’s “tone” toward the subject/person/idea he wrote about? 
The tone its very particular, because its informal but also it's like a young boy like of my age its telling me what is happening in the story.

What “point of view” was this piece told from? List word clues that indicate this. 
As the whole book is in first person, the point of view its the author point of view. 'That lousy feeling may perhaps have been the reason why I was none too eager to take leave of Mother' (p.31).

List the conflicts in this selection (internal and/or external): 
Internal conflict we have all that have to be with Georg head's problems such us the problem with Annamarie (that things wasn't as normal with her) and the problems of what to do in terms of his mother conflict.

External conflicts are more the conflicts that Georg must 'show the face. The different of the internals and externals problems is that the externals problems are more like 'in person' and the internal are before Georg already have the external conflict

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