lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

What is culture?

First of all, I would like to refer that, language is clearly tied up in culture. Is a fallacy that culture means the same for everyone, because the concept culture, depends on your culture. So the vision of culture, the attitude in front of it, is different for a Chilean in comparison with an Indian. They are many Theories of Culture, but I share more the theory of Claude Levi-Strauss (1908-2009) in the book Structural Anthropology, which state that:

"Culture is neither natural nor artificial. It stems from neither genetics nor rational thought, fot it is made up of rules of conduct, which were nor inventedand whose function if generally not understood by the people who obey them. Some of these rules are residues of traditions acquiered in the different types of social structure through which.... each human group has passed. Other rules have been consciously accepted or modified for the sake of specific goals. Yet there is no doubt that, between the instricts inherited from our genotype and the rules inspired by reason, the mass of unconscious rule remains more important and more effective; because reason itself... is a product rather than a cause of cultural evolution."

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