viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Language and Thought: Which comes first?

During years this question has taken place in different debates and research. If we started thinking its very difficult to say that language comes first than thought or vice versa, because we expresed by language what we think, but also we think with words (language). No one knows the answer to this query, but different scientists have raised their ideas. For example:

"The Language of Thought Hypothesis" of Aydede, Murat, from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, best known as "LOTH" postulates that thought take place in a mental language. Of this statement I understand that that, to make thought we requiere this mental language that there says, so that means that in this Hypotesis, Language go first, because without language, we don´t have thougths, and language allow to have thoughts.
Ferdinand de Saussure, a Swiss linguist whose ideas laid the foundation for many discoveries before, in what linguistics is. Saussure postulates that language is linked with thoughts, and you can´t separate them. Also incorporated new terms: Langue and Parole. Langue refers to the abstract system of signs and rules that make up the structure and nature of language. And parole is the realization of language in practice, the words, phrases and sentences as they are actually used.

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