sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Analyzing Pictures

Not only text can be analyzed. During the years, people have found different meaning in images or pictures, that have change the way of seen a image. Pictures can also be analyze, and some people said that the content is much stronger than the content of a text. The most clear example is the World Press Photo of the Year, that is chosen every year, and have a poweful content and a lot of meanings inside, very delicious to analyze. 
Now I will comment the World Press Photo of the Year in 1980, taked by Mike Wells.

This image show how far have famine been afecting pople located in the Horn of Africa. Also I think is like a type of comparison between the white and black people, because black people, along human history, have suffer a lot in contrast to white people (who have a "confortable life").
When I see this image I felt kind a responsable in a way, because humans in general don´t appreciate what they have, until they need something. People in Africa who only ask for something to eat, and they saw food as a precious treasure. We have the oportunite of have food in our homes, and we must appreciated how lucky we...

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