viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Reading Critically

First of all to became a critical reader, we must be Active readers. Nowadays in our society, its important to read in a critical way, to understand better the meaning or the different meanings of the text, to make predictions, conclusions, etc. Below I put some questions that can help you to read a text a critical way:

  • What does it say? (literary level, basic elements)
  • What does it mean? (ideas, issues, suggestions and purpose)
  • Why does it matter? (value, interest, connections)
Sometimes its important to recognize that there are reasons to publish, to post, to write something, and those reason are linked directly to the author and the ideas that he wants to express or inform. In most of the cases, the psychological aspects, influence in a conciderable way, what do a person its going to write.

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