viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Pending Activity: The Power of Language.

1) What does the image, and the story, suggest about the benefits of everyone speaking the same language? What are the drawbacks? 

The advantage of speaking the same language is that people can organize to do big thing because they understand each other (for e.x- the Tower of Babel).
The disadvantage is that all people speak the same language, different cultures would not exist, and there will be no ethnic identity.

2) What does the story suggest about the social funtions of language?

As time passed, human groups started having more members, so they need a symbolic language to communicate. Language let us to communicate with each other, and in the case of the Tower of Babel, to organize a huge group of people to reach an objetive.

3) What are some other early stories that deal with the origins or evolution of language? What do these stories suggest about the power of language.?

In classes we saw the history of the Ticuna people (Brazil), the Aztecs (Mesoamerica) and the Bantu (Africa). Another example can be the legend of the Guarani people who said that Ñamandu created love and human language. All these stories or legends agree on something, Language is important to organize group of persons. Do you imagine the world without language?

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