miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

TKM Part 2 Questions.

Chapter 12

1. Comment on Jem's and Scout's visit to First Purchase Church. What does Scout learn about how black people live?
Jem and Scout were welcomed warmly by the black people. The boys get surprised of the way that the ceremony take place (all man singing, the words of the black man infront, etc). They learned that black people is poorer than white people, and that the most of them were illiterate. Also they noticed that Calpurnia changed his way of speaking.

2. Explain why Calpurnia speaks differently in the Finch household, and among her neighbours at church.
Because she is in different situations. At Finch's house she must be educated and used proper language. Instead with black people she adapted her language (more slang) to be one of them.

Chapter 13

3. Aunt Alexandra thinks Scout is "dull" (not clever). Why does she think this, and is she right?
Aunt Alexandra thinks that Scout doesn´t have the attitudes that a lady should have, and sometimes she said that Scout is kinda a boy (because the way she dress). Scout doesn´t listen to what Aunt Alexandra said.

4. How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Macomb's social life?
She established relationship in a short period of time. She love to be with other people, its kind a something that she needs. During the all book you will see that the Finch house is with a lot of old ladies  that are friends of Aunt Alexandra.

5. Comment on Aunt Alexandra's ideas about breeding and family, in contrast to Atticus' visions. Who's right, do you think? Why? 
Aunt Alexandra said that all the members of the Finch family have to act acording to the family values (like a protocol). Atticus said that kids might do what they think that its right, in other words, 'they must construct their road'. I think Atticus is right because, you can´t make a person, the person has to built himself by the experience and his way of see the world.

6. Comment on Atticus' definition of rape. How suitable is this definition as an answer to Scout?
I think that its suitable to a little girl. Atticus said that to rape Carnal knowledge of a female by force and without concern". 

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