martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

The Help

Here are some question that we develop about this great movie!

1. In your own words, write what was meant by "separate but equal." How did people in Jackson, Mississippi - including the ladies of the Junior League in "The Help" - try to apply this principle?
During the movie there are a lot of situations that show the way of thinking of the people: 'Separate but equal'. For example the case of the bathroom the they made for the maids, to to use a different toilet that boss used.

2. Do a simple online research about Jim Crow Laws. Identify what outcomes - forced upon domestic workers - were present in "The Help".
Jim Crow laws established a way of thinking and acting based in the racism with the dilemma 'separated but equal'. In the book as I just said there are a lot of examples of that dilemma, like in the case of the buses, churches, bathrooms, etc.

3. Explore the themes in "The Help" and develop your ideas by continuing the following sentence:
They are not living the life as they must do, being free. Freedom is the key, people are all the same, we are all humans.


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