domingo, 23 de junio de 2013


1. What is Harold Laswell’s Chain of Communication’s Model?
Based in 5 questions: Who - Says What - In Which Channel - To Whom - With what effect?

2. What does the theorist Marshall McLuhan’s mean by stating that “the Medium is the Message”? 

 Is a symbolic reference that tell us that the medium affect or influence how we perceived the message.

3. Refer to Jurgen Habermas’ “Public Sphere as a Platform for Advertising”

 Industries tries to convince people, so they need to know what people need. Knowing the ideas of the people this target turns easy.

4. What is the connection between Self-Presentation & the Celebrity Image? 

 They create the stereotypical image of something, I mean, if you want to be succesfull us this celebrity, you have to be like what we are presenting.       

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