domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Academic Writting: Media

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little that an be done to rectify this.

Nowadays media is a very important tool in human daily life. Media keep us in touch of what is happening around us and in our world. But media isn`t perfect. The problem with media is that human are incharge of it, so sometimes we can find some problems on it. The main problem is biased and the artificial sources that we can find on Internet. Some newspapers, news or other type of media, use this opportunity to try to convince people with what they say. For example maybe some newpapers supports a political party, so in time of President election they advertise the candidate of the political party that they support. Also its very common here in Chile, that the newspaper The Clinic, with clear support to the left side, tries to ridicule people from other parties.

Media is a very powerfull tool, and people use to believe in it, without taking in consideration the manipulation of information that people incharge make to the real information. Another example is the case of Ines Perez Concha, a women that get interviewed by Chilevision (a television channel in Chile) about a problem with the maids. During the interview de women defend the maids, but the problem was that CHV put part of the interview out of context, showing Ines as a women who attack the maids, and look them down.

Other problem is the information that we find on internet. The is that any one can publish somethin about any theme, and many times the information is fake, and the problem is that we believe in the things that we read on the Internet considering as truth, things that are fake, and by this way, people use fake information to make popular wrong informatio (for example celebrities death).

So can we really trust in what media tell us? In my personal opinion media is a very powerfull toll that can be used to controlled people. We are very linked with media, because many things that we now, we take it from what media give to us, so we trust on it, and sometimes we should be more carefull about what we read or what we listen.

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