domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Standard Desirable Attributes

  • Television News Report: Formal language, no opinions of the people who present the news.
  • Television opinion piece: Formal/Informal depending of the program, people who present the program shows their opinions in reference of a topic. Sarcasm, irony presented sometimes.
  • Newspaper Editorial: Formal language, no sarcasm and no irony presented. It show facts that really happend.
  • Political columnist's Blog: Complex langauge involved. Use of irony can exist if they try to reffer to something in special about the other political party.
  • Celerity profile in a magazine: Informal language, maybe nonstandard pronunciation. Informality and dialogue can be presented.
  • Sport broadcast: it depends on what sport broadcast are you watching, because there are someones that use a very technical and formal language and others that are more coloquial and more popular because they use jokes (irony) to reffer to other teams, non-technical language and informal language.
  • Political Speech: Formal language. Technical language used. Also they got some techniques to grab audience attention and convince them.
  • advertisment: depends on the type of ad that you see/listen.

Remediating a rhyme; pag. 165

We analize the '2 faces' of the Bah, Bah a black Sheep rhyme. I mean 2 faces, because we saw the babies rhyme that Tommy Thumb's Pretty wrote and an image of the poem. The thing is that reading the poem and watching the image you know that there is no relation between them, and they are very different. Why this happened? Maybe because the tone that we read the poem isn't the correct one...
Following I will answer some questions of the page 165.

1)How is the tone different in the two stories?
In the image the tone is more like seriuos, nostalgic maybe. And in the rhyme, the tone is more like happy, light, mainly addressed to children.

2)What are the limitations of tellin a story only with words?
 The problem is that the tone plays an important role in what we write, and if the person read it with the wrong tone, or if they don't catch the tone, they may understand something completly different in comparison with the real meaning or intension.

3)If you saw the image without the rhyme, what would you say are the limitations of image as a means of  storytelling?
Really I would don't  know what is the image trying to tell.

4)Must a story always change when transferred from one medium to another?
Yes! Because that trasference should imply the understanding or the point of view of a person about what an image/text is trying to express.

Register and Style

As we saw last year, register and style are 2 facts that determines or make the difference between my way of speaking with the way that a Mexican speaks.

REGISTER: Language choices based on the situation, the information being communicated and the target audience. Depends on the context. For example i
n front of the teacher we have to use a formal register, but with our friends we use a informal register.

STYLE: Individual linguistic choices that make a communicative act distinctive. All people have a different style.

Also we have the TONE, that is the attitude that the author takes to express by his writting. (Serious, Optimistic, Humorous, etc). Note: We can find more than 1 tone in a text.

Academic Writting: Media

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little that an be done to rectify this.

Nowadays media is a very important tool in human daily life. Media keep us in touch of what is happening around us and in our world. But media isn`t perfect. The problem with media is that human are incharge of it, so sometimes we can find some problems on it. The main problem is biased and the artificial sources that we can find on Internet. Some newspapers, news or other type of media, use this opportunity to try to convince people with what they say. For example maybe some newpapers supports a political party, so in time of President election they advertise the candidate of the political party that they support. Also its very common here in Chile, that the newspaper The Clinic, with clear support to the left side, tries to ridicule people from other parties.

Media is a very powerfull tool, and people use to believe in it, without taking in consideration the manipulation of information that people incharge make to the real information. Another example is the case of Ines Perez Concha, a women that get interviewed by Chilevision (a television channel in Chile) about a problem with the maids. During the interview de women defend the maids, but the problem was that CHV put part of the interview out of context, showing Ines as a women who attack the maids, and look them down.

Other problem is the information that we find on internet. The is that any one can publish somethin about any theme, and many times the information is fake, and the problem is that we believe in the things that we read on the Internet considering as truth, things that are fake, and by this way, people use fake information to make popular wrong informatio (for example celebrities death).

So can we really trust in what media tell us? In my personal opinion media is a very powerfull toll that can be used to controlled people. We are very linked with media, because many things that we now, we take it from what media give to us, so we trust on it, and sometimes we should be more carefull about what we read or what we listen.

Mc Donald's Advertisement

Now I will apply the same questions, that I used with the Axe ad, to a Mc Donald's advertisement.

1) Who created this advertisement?
Mc Donald's 

2) Is this advertisement attractive or enticing? What particular techniques are used to get attention, affect emotion, or entertain?
In this advertisement we found a 'joke' saying that the hamburger is so big, that if you write a email, you should use 1 finger, because the other are being used for eating the hamburger.

3) What values are represented in this advertisement?
I don't think there is any value in this ad. By the other side, this ad promote the no healthy eating, that can be considering as the opposite of a value.

4) What point of view is left out in this advertisement?
It's difficult to find an specific point of view. I think that more than a point of view its something that the company/fast-food restaurant (Mc Donald's) it's trying to give to people that read or see this advertisement: 'Huge Hambugers'.

5) What is the purpose of this advertisement?
To promote and let the people now the high quality and delicious hamburger that Mc Donald's have to the people.

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Year 11 Language and Literature

New year, new topics and new post coming down during the year. Today we start English Language and Literature classes. This year is year is one of the most awaited by The Mackay School students, because the III medio students have the Europe trip.

Talking more about the classes itself, the English department have make some changes in the evaluation sistem. We still having 4 periods of 2 month approximately, in which we will see the following topics:
  •  1st and 2nd Period: Language and Mass communication (media text critical analysis)
  • 3rd and 4th Period: Literature: Critical study: Jane Eyre; Collection of poems (Tennyson).


Also in our first day of classes we did an analysis of the adverstisement of the man and the video game, and we answer some questions. The answers below.

1) Who created this advertisement?
Lowe Bull

2) Is this advertisement attractive or enticing? What particular techniques are used to get attention, affect emotion, or entertain?
I think the advertisment reach its objetive of calling the attention of people by not explaining the real meaning of the advertisement, using a kind of irony.

3) What values are represented in this advertisement?
Love, is socialy an important value in human life, in stead of a video game.

4) What point of view is left out in this advertisement?
As I said before, that having a women is more important than having or play a video game. Also Women shown as superficial, or maybe as an object (?)

5) What is the purpose of this advertisement?
 To sell the product, promote it and show 'how does it works'.