miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

Class Activity: 11 Language Speaker

1) How many languages does Alex speak?
 11 Language.

2) Does context help in the process of acquiring a new language?
Of course, be surrounded by a language is the perfect way to improve it or learn it.

3) Are there any languages that have similar pronunciation?
Yes, Greek and Italian are very similar to Spanish.

4) Which of the languages spoken by Alex seem more colloquial?
Spanish and Afrikaans.

5) Is class a more important factor in language variation than geography?
  Geography is more important, because determines the language and the accent and way of speaking. In the other side, Class, determines the register that people will use (slang, informal, formal, etc).

 6) Do you think, the ability of learning a language is innate or learned?
As Noam Chomsky said in the Universal Grammar Theory, "humans born with the desire to speak, but language is learned"

7) According to you, are some languages more or less difficult  to learn than others? Talk about your own experience.
Yes, some language are more difficult to learn because are much different, in comparison to Spanish, and other language are easier to learn them, because they are similar to Spanish, like Italian for example.

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