martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Debate: eBooks or Paper Books.

During the past week, we debate about "eBooks vs. Paper Books". Sadly I was absent the day that group have to debate, (and Mr. Elgueta too) so Mr. Jeria debate alone vs. Mr. Labra, Mr. Eggeling and Mr. Hagedorn. 
The motion of our group has in favor of normal books or paper books. In my opinion, technology is always an important tool for humans in general, but in this case eBooks can´t replace paper books. First of all, eBooks are more expensive than normal books, the cheapest eBook is over $100 U.S and you must buy the books that you want to read, but paper books are more accessible ($10 US average). 
Other problem that eBooks have is that, they need Internet to dowload the books, so people must have Internet to use in a complete way the Ebook. Finally paper books have a sentimental value for people, we must keep our traditions such as have a bookshelf full of books in stead of being more dependent of techological devices.

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