viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

FOA Written Reflection

Area to which the task is linked. (Please include the sub topic to which it is linked)
Language in Mass Communication; Persuasive language in Media.
Activity type:  Oral Presentation.
In the table below, candidates must list the source of all support materials that relate to the presentation. (You should also attach a properly formatted bibliography, as appropriate.)
Title of Work/Text
Text Type
 Persuasive language in media text. Iris Breuer & Melanie Napthine with Rosemary O’Shea
We choose to go to moon.  John F. Kennedy  Political Speech
 Victory Speech in South Carolina Barack Obama
Political speech

Title of Work/Text
Text Type
 Safe a Life Safe a Life Company Advertisement 
 'Will To Win' Nike Advertisement
Axe Advertisement

The objective of this task was to comprehend in a better way how persuasive language is used by media in different types of text or advertisement, showing the different techniques that media present.
 First we (me and my partner) mention the techniques that media used (rule of three, use of celebrity, etc) and the definition of the clue words of the presentation. Then we put those texts that the tables above show, and later we explain who persuasive language is presented and the different elements that tell us that this type of language is in those texts. I think that this is the better way to explain something, because, you explain through the examples, making your explanation simpler.

In my personal opinion, with this presentation, I learned that media have a powerful persuasive power. I mean, for example the ‘Save a Life’ ad is very persuasive using that strong connection with emotive language (in this case the picture of the girl that got hit by a drunk driver). Also the Nike ad was a very persuasive or inspiring one, because it present many techniques (celebrity, rule of three, alliteration, etc) that make the perfect combination of that feel of ‘I want to be like him’ with I very interesting phrases on it.

Also during this work, I realized that 'we are victims' of persuasive language. Persuasive language is all around us, in different things and with different objective behind this and sometimes with a ‘hidden persuasive objective’ such us nationalism in John F. Kennedy speech.


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